2011年3月10日 星期四

Daily View: Jack Straw's comments on abuse

Jack Straw

Commentators dissect the suggestion of former Home Secretary Jack Straw that some Pakistani men see girls white as an easy target for sexual abuse. Blackburn Labour MP spoke after two Asian men who abused girls in Derby were given indefinite jail terms. The use of the phrase "easy meat" required particular controversy.

Yasmin Alibhai Brown says the Independent that Jack Straw rightly "hard questions about Asian men":

"Let's do questions, that we never ask, to find out more about what we always try. These men have no idea of normal, healthy, pleasurable sex between a man and a woman? They have gone mad from his frustration and fear of females? I'm not Asian men were received or Pakistani, who love women, but those who are too messed up to understand what it means; Perhaps those whose key choices, including their permanent partners, were made by families such as operating businesses. And yet, this is the most frightening pay-back for white racism? ...
"Shouting down, Jack Straw, we neglect ourselves with warnings about nourishing the BNP, is virtue and navigation activities that will do nothing to stop the Asian groomers, who, since childhood have developed distorted ideas about themselves, society, females, Vice ".

Anna Chen says in his blog comments Mrs Sageo Jack Straw reflect a secular ligation:

"I believe that this was also the head fantasy of the Ku Klux Klan, when they lynched black men in the deep South during the days of Jim Crow.
"Rather than deal with the breakdown of our society, as the rich suck all remaining wealth, and having an honest look at how stress resulting influence human relationships, we demonize a group throughout the race. Straw is seriously saying that these men were never targeted non-white girls? That white men do not traffic and abuse of women? "

The Daily Express, Leo McKinstry argues that denying a link ethnic in bands of sex is down to a "dogma of political correctness":

"In this world, it would seem that ideological twisted hypersensitivity of an ethnic minority are more acutely than protected the rights of abused girls. The greatest crime is not sexual brutality in itself but daring to mention the ethnicity of the predators.
"It's fascinating to counteract institutionalized this anxiety to conceal and deny the joy almost celebratory who led coverage of child abuse scandal in the Catholic Church.

"It was absolutely right that a light was shone on this fierce culture of exploitation, which inflicted these sufferings on innocent and was the very antithesis of the Christian doctrine of compassion, yet the media and political elite have shamefully failed to adopt the same vigorous approach towards sex Asian gangs".

Melanie Phillips, Daily Mail said that this is not an issue of race as Jack Straw suggests, but rather a matter of religion:

"In fact, among the many red herrings in this debate is that-if cultural characteristics are discussed at all-the bands tend to be described as ' Asian '. But this is disgrace sikh, Hindu, Chinese and other Asians. For these particular gang members are overwhelmingly Muslims. And it is the common characteristic of ethnicity, but religion.
"For these gang members select their victims of the communities that they believe to be ' unbelievers '-non-Muslims who see with disdain and hostility. You can see that this is not a religious but a racial animosity from the fact that, while the vast majority of the girls who are targeted is white, the victims were Sikhs and Hindus, too. "

Barbara Ellen asks the Guardian if this turns out some racial stereotypes: inverted white girls

"Even if men Asians tend to regard white chicks as meat easier, then where have learned all this? Not only the streets where they live, but also in the images surrounding them. There is endless coverage of drunks ' ladettes ' out on the lash, young girls being sick in the gutters, streets, smoking, getting pregnant, trying gormless, says people with clipboards that "everything you want to be famous, innit.
"In most cases, the girls presented are white. Not because only white girls spend a period of their youth commit mistakes, living and learning, but presumably because it is less complicated to use images of white girls. Images of young black girls make mistakes, living and learning, could so easily Watch a little bit racist ".

Minette Marrin writes in the Sunday Times that perhaps little can be done about cultural differences, but argues for "butchering the following sacred cow":

"First, the Western belief that it is better to have unusual double injustice than to criticize another culture. Secondly, the insistence of Western women who have an incontrovertible right to dress like hypersexualised jailbait, independently of its effects. Thirdly, the insistence of some cultures on their right to marriages across continents, regardless of their antisocial consequences here. And finally, the recruitment of multiculturalism that all cultures, in all their manifestations, have the right to equal respect ".

Links in full Yasmin Alibhai Brown | Independent | Jack Straw is right to ask hard questions Asian men
• Anna Chen | Ms. Sageo | Sex fantasy of Jack Straw men of dark and white girls
• Leo McKinstry | Daily Express | Deny a link to ethnic gangs of sex is blinders
• Melanie Phillips | Daily Mail | While Muslims sexual predators have been imprisoned, is hypocritical values of Britain to blame white
• Barbara Ellen | Guardian | Too many of us treat young white women as junk
• Minette Marrin | Sunday Times | We are allowing white girls become "easy meat"

View the original article here

